Baby It’s Cold Outside

Hello world! I’m back! It’s been a while – I’ve taken a trip to Washington, had Thanksgiving, and, drumroll please….


Which means that I am done with my MA coursework – All I have left is to turn in my thesis on April 16, 2010. Did I mention that my thesis was 90% done already?

Anyway, since I have been gone, I went to Washington:

isn't it pretty?

We spent a week at home planning a wedding with my groomzilla (post on that will appear in the next couple of days) and having delicious Thanksgiving food. For the first time in my life I cooked a lot of the side dishes including the green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie (from scratch!) and the stuffing. I had supervision of course, as my sister (the seasoned cook) made sure that I couldn’t mess anything up, and I didn’t, which is very surprising. And the dog got in the Christmas spirit a bit early:

Boo's first appearance in the blog!

Since Victor and I are getting married in the summer, he is officially the oldest male in my immediate family. In our family that means carving the turkey at Thanksgiving, which he enjoyed too much I think:

Turkey carver extraordinaire!

The dinner was fantastic and stress free. Usually holidays at my house are a little on the tense side. Not that we don’t like each other, but the stress of planning big dinners really seems to stress people out. This year, however, we really had a good time:

Mi Familia!

The next morning I made a huge mistake, that will appear in a later blog post, I promise 🙂 But let’s just say its a doozie, having made everything so perfect the night before it only logically followed that the next day I would wipe the slate clean again.

In the meantime I have been back in New York preparing for Christmas. We are official New Yorkers because we have out own Charlie Brown tree, and I finished all my shopping and wrapping:

Our tree!

And today it started to snow! My family has been driving to Orlando all day to go to Disneyworld, and Victor and I are trapped in a snowstorm. We decided to venture out in the storm and have some fun, after bundling up:

prepared for the storm!

Then we decided to make designs in the snow with our gloves. The back windows of cars were our main target, and I don’t think its vandalism per se if we are spreading joy that will soon be covered up with more snow:

caught in the act!

Needless to say we have had a fun weekend celebrating the end of our respective MA degrees 🙂 I am going to make sure to update the blog much more often – as I have a lot of material! Have a lovely and snowy weekend!