
Okay, I did it. I’m here in sunny California – my new home. It’s so bizarre actually that I can call this place home, since I have never actually lived in Northern California before. I lived in LA, yes, but that is VASTLY different from where I am now. V has it pretty easy, he went to Stanford, so we are basically living in his old backyard. The most consecutive time I have spent in the bay area was in college. I went to a school on the semester system, and V went to a school on the quarter system so every May I would pack all my belongings into my little Honda and drive up to Stanford and just stay for a month until he was done with school. So I guess I would be a Stanford squatter.

Anyway, we found an apartment, and I am currently blogging from the bar in the kitchen, perched atop our new bar stools, and I have to say, getting an apartment in California is WAY easier in New York. Our last apartment took us three weeks to find and we had to have first, last, and security to move into the place. We were so poor when we moved in we ate spagetti-o’s for the first dinner. It was also only 300 square feet, didn’t have a bedroom door, everything was a little broken, basically the apartment sucked but the location was great.

This place was the first place we looked at. It’s in the BEST location for my new job (!!!) and it’s so beautiful I could cry. We have a full, eat-in kitchen, huge bathroom, vanity, bedroom, large living room, balcony and OMG THE CLOSET. I just about passed out when I saw it. It’s a walk-in and was done by the California closet company so it looks like a mini Sex and the City closet. It’s the closet of my dreams, we are talking built-in shelves, drawers, compartments for literally everything – it’s amazing.

Oh and did I mention it came with a 42″ flat screen TV?

Yah, I know. It’s way cheaper than what we were paying in Brooklyn, so I am still waiting for the other shoe to drop. What’s the catch. V thinks it’s haunted or something, but the only problem I have seen thus far is the fact that the shower isn’t exactly hot. It’s lukewarm or tepid at best. But hell, for this place I’ll deal with tepid showers.

So we spent the rest of the weekend and our money at IKEA – the place where couples go to die – to furnish the place as we are currently sleeping on an air mattress from Wal-Mart. (sorry Mom). IKEA is a funny place entirely, I am definitely going to have to have an entire post about that place another time.

Well all, we are off to the car dealerships – wish us luck on finding a car!

Confessions of a Former? Brooklyn Bartender…

Well guys, the time has come for me to announce that I no longer work at the cafe. After two long years and many fun memories, it’s done. Why? Well, there are a couple of reasons. You see, I quit, and then got fired.

I know, but it’s true and I have no better way of explaining it all to you. You see, I was offered an amazing job on the west coast, and in EIGHT days I will be moving to California again to start my dream career. Not like I have anything to stress out about, moving across the country, starting a new job, getting married, finding an apartment, buying a car – why should I be stressed? No, but seriously, in all honesty, I am so excited to be on this adventure. And it’s a bit bittersweet because I will miss my Brooklynites terribly.

On to the story – so, I gave two weeks notice to the owners of the cafe, telling them that I would finish out the two weeks and then be gone. They then informed me that I did not give them enough time, but would figure something out. I had to run home that weekend for my brother’s graduation so I got some shifts covered, but showed up at work last night ready to finish out the last few days of my two weeks. So I go get changed, and when I get back there is some blonde behind the bar. Confused, I look at one of the servers and ask if I am going to be training my replacement, which is fine. He shrugged. Then the owners come out and explain to me that I am no longer needed at the restaurant, that they found someone to replace me and no longer needed me there. And then said they were sorry, the manager was supposed to call and tell me.

To which, I respond, “I was supposed to be fired over the phone?” And he got all apologetic and offered me dinner and I said, “No, I think I’ll take all my friends that were going to come have dinner here with me and go somewhere else.” Now to be clear, I am not surprised this happened at all. It’s totally typical of the owners to do this kind of thing, but still I was super bummed out. I have put so much emotion into this place, it’s been my home for the last two years and they really didn’t care at all – which sucks. I was looking forward to ending my experience a the cafe on a good note.

Well, unfortunately for them – I was planning on being kind after I left, especially in the blog. Because I have been writing – A LOT – that I haven’t posted out of fear of being fired. And now, I’m fired! So look forward to the TRUE story of my job, what happened with the douchebag who started all the drama, what the management and ownership is really like – it should be fun 🙂

Expect some good posts in the next couple of weeks my friends, and thanks for being such loyal readers.


With all the drama surrounding my writing recently, I have taken a break from blogging about my job. Mostly because it seems to piss people off, and it has gone so far that some people come in on my shifts just to try to make it into the blog – and other bartenders in the neighborhood know who I am just based on customers complaining about my blog to them. Some of these people I have never even met before. That’s apparently the kind of neighborhood I work in. However, I have decided to completely ignore the drama, because frankly, it’s stupid.

With all this free publicity I am getting I should have a book deal by now 🙂

Anyway, today I want to blog about buybacks.

Buybacks are a concept unique to the East Coast I think. It’s something I never thought about as a bartender out west – in two different states, because it simply didn’t exist. So a buyback is when someone has been drinking at the bar for a while, and after two or three drinks, the bartender buys the next one. It’s actually pretty cool because it allows me, as the bartender, to treat the people who treat me well. In Washington and California the rules are much more strict. I couldn’t give out free drinks to anyone, under any circumstance. In New York it’s kind of cool to have a little bit of power in that respect.

The catch-22 is that with buybacks, comes entitlement. You see, I will buy people a drink or two if they are having great conversation with me, or if I screw up an order, or if people are having a great time. I take care of people – that’s for certain. However, there is always that one customer who screws it all up for everyone. Some people come in with a sense of entitlement – as in, they expect a free drink no matter what.

Now, where I am from, if someone goes into a bar prepared to drink a lot, they better be prepared to pay for what they order. I mean you don’t go into a car dealership, buy a car and expect a free one in return, right? It’s not payless shoe source people.

This sign does not hang in the window of my bar.

You see, the other night this guy told me he didn’t like one of the bars in the neighborhood because the bartender didn’t give him free drinks. (It should be noted that all the bartenders in the neighborhood know and support each other) I was a bit confused. He didn’t want to go to one of the best bars in town because he had to pay for what he drinks? It reminded me of a scenario that happened at my bar a couple of months back, that still to this day bothers me. My bar is in a very well-to-do neighborhood with lots of wall street types who make more money than God. Definitely more money than a young bartender. It’s the type of neighborhood where people have more than one home outside of New York, where people jet off to Madrid for Memorial Day weekend because they can. Needless to say, they can pay for their drinks.

I had two gentlemen come in one night and drink a LOT of Corona. 10 to be exact – 5 beers each. Corona is $6 a bottle because it’s imported beer. So do the math, $6×10 = $60 for their tab. It should be noted that though I enjoy buying people drinks, it’s a two-way street. I will buy you a drink if you have earned it, so to speak. These guys, did not earn anything. When they first sat down, I gave my usual, “Hi! How are you tonight?” In return they respond, “2 Coronas.” When I get them their drink and ask them a question about the weather, or the neighborhood or something, they turn to look at me, and then TURN BACK AROUND. No response whatsoever. When they ask for another round, instead of asking, the guy snaps his fingers at me.

Now, I am pissed off. You see, nothing pisses of a waiter, server, or bartender more than a customer who snaps their fingers at you like you are a dog or something. Nothing.

And so it continued. Over their next few rounds they snap their fingers, or wave their empty bottles at me to signal that they want another drink. Needless to say I do NOT buy them anything. Especially after the finger snapping incident. So when they ask for the bill (and by ask I mean do that annoying thing where people pretend to write in the air, as if air-writing is the universal sign for “I would like a bill please,”) and I give them a check. For the full amount. And they got pissed. The guy, opening his mouth for the first time the entire night says, “There is no way we drank $60 worth of Corona.” I respond, “5 beers each at $6 a bottle is $60.” And the guy goes, “what you don’t buyback?” I respond that I do, in fact, buyback, when people are respectful, and don’t snap their fingers at me. The guy, so entitled, “we always get buybacks here, we’ve been coming here since before you were born. This is ridiculous.” To which I make the mistake of responding, “well I’m the one that works here.”

And of course, they stiff me. Because, how dare I charge them for what they have ACTUALLY CONSUMED. Seriously people? It’s a good thing I had one of my favorite regulars there, because he actually chased after the guy to tell him off for being such a dickhole. Which of course led me to chase after said regular and assure him that all was fine and dandy – I just don’t care about people like that.

It makes me wonder though, is this sense of entitlement unique to New York, the East Coast, what? Even when I go back to my old place of work to have a drink I don’t expect them to give it to me for free, ever. I have known those people for years – they are like family to me. And I always am prepared to pay for what I consume. I just think it’s such a bizarre thing for people to give free drinks like that. I mean, don’t get me wrong more often than not a buyback or two is what gets me the bigger tip, and what keeps my regulars around (sometimes) but I don’t think it should be expected wherever you go, do you?

Anyway, I would be curious to hear what people have to say about this.

One last note, I have been writing a lot about the bar. However, I have held off publishing most of it because of the drama that tends to come from me having this blog at all. My Sunday night shift proved to me that the drama is nowhere near over, and people are still trying to provoke me into writing bad things about them, so for now I will try to keep neutral subject matter. For now 🙂